The Life and Work of Dermatologists

What Do Dermatologists Treat?

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Dermatologists specialize in conditions with the skin. As a result, they are often associated with cosmetic procedures. However, while dermatologists can help with aging and cosmetic concerns, they also treat many other conditions. If you would like to know more, keep reading. Acne and Acne Scarring Acne is incredibly common in teens, but even adults struggle with breakouts and stubborn acne. Types of acne include: Whiteheads Blackheads Papules Pustules Nodules Cysts Treatment often depends on the type of acne, and your dermatologist can recommend or prescribe acne medications to fight infection/bacteria and help clean pores and remove excess sebum. Read More»

3 Reasons To Try Botox

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Botox is a toxin that can be safely injected into the skin in order to reduce the signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. Botox is actually botulinum toxin, which, if injected correctly, can temporarily give you smoother-looking skin for up to several months. The amount of Botox injections you would need to reduce your wrinkles is going to depend on how deep your wrinkles are and how many you actually have. Read More»

Essential Reasons To Get Skin Cancer Screening

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Skin cancer is becoming increasingly prevalent in society. It is thus vital to get regular screening for timely diagnosis and treatment. Skin cancer can develop on any part of the skin, even those not exposed to the sun’s rays. Therefore, it is essential to see a dermatologist since they can identify cancerous lesions even in hidden skin parts inaccessible to you. Other reasons to get screened regularly include:  Understand the Risk Factors  Read More»

4 Benefits Of Botox Injections

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Botox injections are an injectable toxin that is safe for the body in order to help smooth out your skin and fill in fine lines and wrinkles to give you a more youthful appearance. If you have fine lines and wrinkles, you could get Botox injections. If you aren’t sure if these injections are right for you, read on for some of the benefits of getting Botox. 1. It’s A Quick Procedure Read More»

4 Acne Treatments Your Dermatologist May Recommend and How to Prevent Future Breakouts

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Acne is one of the most common skin conditions teenagers and adults face and can hurt a person’s self-esteem. If you have tried over-the-counter acne treatments without success, you probably feel very frustrated. Your next step is to visit a dermatologist. Here are a few acne treatments your dermatologist may recommend. Retinoids If your acne is not too severe, your dermatologist may advise you to use retinoids first. These medications are available in lotions, creams, and gels and work by helping you get rid of pore-clogging skin cells more efficiently. Read More»